Saturday, January 9, 2010

Durable Goods Issue Ten

Durable Goods Issue Ten
Featured Writers

John Dorsey

Dan Provost

Aleathia Drehmer

Copies Distributed: 99

This little issue is on its way to these lovely lands:  Ohio, Massachussets, North Carolina, New York, Rhode Island, New Jersey, California, Alabama, Texas, Pennsylvania, Illinois, Louisiana, Florida, Missouri, Mississippi, Washington and several points in England.

This issue will also make its debute at "Snoetry" which is a day long winter reading festival that will happen in Erie, PA.  Both John and Dan will be reading at this event.

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Thursday, January 7, 2010

Distro Goes International

erbacce-press has joined the ranks of the Durable Goods distro family.  erbacce is based in England and has a good following that will lead to this little zine visiting more places outside the U.S.  Dr. Andrew Taylor was so kind to suggest an international collaborative distro between Durable Goods and erbacce.  He has been a big supporter of this little zine and I am happy to welcome into the distro family.  You can find a link to all things erbacce under the Durable Writers section.

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