Durable Goods Issue 25
The Albany Writers Issue
Featured Writers:
Dan Wilcox
Alan Catlin
Aleathia Drehmer
On the rails like a hobo, this issue is clacking down the track to: New York (7), California (8), Florida (4), North Carolina (5), Illinois (4), Massachussets (2), New Jersey, Missouri (3), Washington (3), Georgia, Arizona (2), Oregon, Ohio (2), Wisconsin, Pennsylvania (3), Ireland, Brazil, Germany, and England.
Subscriptions for 2011 are available for $12 domestic and $14 international. This includes 22 issues for the year which gives you 2 issues a month Jan-Oct and one issue each for Nov-Dec. International subscriptions are shipped only once a month. If you are interested you can send well concealed cash or check (to Aleathia Drehmer) to:
Aleathia Drehmer
PO Box 282
Painted Post, NY 14870
or via PayPal by going to send money and using: windwitch27@yahoo.com
Thank you for supporting small press and for continuing to make great connections with your fellow writers. I have enjoyed the many letters and postcards from all over the country and the world. You guys are the best.
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