Saturday, October 24, 2009

Durable Goods partners up with Verve Bath Press, Kill Poet and Nibble!!

I am so very pleased to announce that these fine zines have decided to join Zygote in my Coffee in distributing Durable Goods along with their own print journals.  Thank you Amanda Oaks at Verve Bath Press, Jason Neese at Kill Poet, and Jeff Fleming at Nibble.  I commend you for collaborating on this project and giving new life to the small press.

As writers we should all be in this together and these great editors understand the value of good intensions.  I look forward to sharing envelope space with your grand publications.  You can find the links to each of these great sites in the Durable Writers section.

Thank you to all who support this project and projects like it.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Durable Goods Issue Six

Durable Goods Issue Six
Featured Writers:

Claudia Bierschenk

Felino Soriano

Aleathia Drehmer

Number of copies distributed: 150

This issue will find its way to these fine places:  Germany, California, New York, Rhode Island, New Orleans, Florida, Georgia, Maine, North Carolina, Missouri, New Jersey, Ohio, Massachussets, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Arizona, Alaska, and England.

Thank you for supporting small press.
Read. Write.  Be kind to each other.


Number of copies distributed:  134

Monday, October 12, 2009

Durable Goods Issue Five

Durable Goods Issue Five
The Sunnyoutside Tribute Volume One

Featured Writers:

Rebecca Schumedja

Noel Sloboda

Aleathia Drehmer

Number of copies distributed: 104

This issue is dedicated to David McNamara at Sunnyoutside.  He is one of the hardest working editors and publishers that I know.  He always graces us with great opportunities to discover writers like Rebecca and Noel.  His commitment to small press and to his craft are held with high regard.  This is volume one of what may turn out to be a three volume set scattered over time to honor his work at Sunnyoutside.  Thank you David for delivering quality and expecting the best from your writers.


This issue has traveled to these fine places: New York, Pennsylvania, Ohio, California, Georgia, Maryland, Florida, Texas, North Carolina, Missouri, New Jersey, Massachussets, Illinois, Maine, Alaska, Germany, and England

Durable Goods and Zygote in my Coffee

Wonder Twins Activate........    

Recently, I sent a copy of Durable Goods to my fearless editor Brian Fugett at Zygote in my Coffee.  He was enamored with my little microzine and asked if he could have a few more issues to put in a large mailing of the upcoming Issue #7/Ross Vassilev Flipbook.  I said sure and sent him 40 copies.  In further discussion, he decided that he wanted to spread DG around in everything he mails and he will soon be displaying the DG logo on Zygote in my Coffee's main website.

I think this is a wonderful thing for many reasons.  I love that Brian believes in grassroots projects and things made with heart.  He is an amazing book maker and does it in his home while juggling life and fatherhood.  He puts out quality product that people around the world enjoy.  Also, I think this benefits the writers by having a larger market than I employ at the moment.  I will still be sending out my copies by mail as intended and this pairing with Zygote in my Coffee is the whipped cream on the sundae.

Please take some time to visit Zygote in my Coffee at

Support small press.  Read.  Write.  Be kind to each other.


Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Durable Goods Issue Four

Durable Goods Issue Four
Featured Writers:

F.D. Marcel

Jason Neese

Aleathia Drehmer

Number of copies distributed: 91

So far, this issue has traveled to these fine places:  Pennsylvania, California, Oregon, Colorado, Ohio, Florida, Illinois, Connecticut, Missouri, New Mexico, Vermont, Alabama, Massachussets, New York, Illinois, England and New Zealand.