Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Durable Goods Issue Fourteen

Durable Goods Issue Fourteen
Featured Writers:

Zachary C. Bush

Jeff Fleming

Aleathia Drehmer

Papers folded and to these fine states and countries:  New Jersey, California, Louisiana, Texas, Massachussets, Alaska, Indiana, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Illinois, Florida, North Carolina, Missouri, Mississippi,  Washington, New York, Georgia, England, Wales, Canada, and India.

This issue was debuted at a poetry reading in Cleveland Heights, OH at Mac's Backs Bookstore.  It was a nice reception and the DG's went fast.

This also marks the time when I am retiring the first 8 issues that were published in 2009.  It is too hard to keep printing and having on hand all of the issues.  I need more space!!!  These issue will still be available upon request.

Read. Write.
Support Small Press.


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