Durable Goods Issue Nine
Featured Writers:
Miriam Matzeder
Amanda Oaks
Aleathia Drehmer
Copies distributed: 134
This issue is traveling to these fine places: Missouri, Pennsylvania, New York, Georgia, California, Oregon, North Carolina, Michigan, Minnesota, Texas, Ohio, Massachussets, Louisiana, Illinois, Florida, New Jersey, Washington, England and New Zealand.
Many thanks to my collaborative distro partners who make awesome books that you should buy in 2010: Zygote in my Coffee/Tainted Coffee Press, Nibble, Alternating Current/Propaganda Press, Verve Bath Press, Kill Poet Press, and Orange Alert Press. Soon to join the family is erbacce in England!!
Much love and appreciation to my "man about town" distributors: Kristin Fouquet in New Orleans and John Dorsey in Toledo. You guys rock!!
Happy New Year everyone from Durable Goods!!
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